Make your ant squash bugs when they are smaller to increase its mass, just like in an .io app, but in this you can play offline. Try to avoid bigger creatures by hiding under flowers or use your abilities to run away and survive on this ant simulator. Squash the tasty boss to end the round. Follow the evolve game course, upgrade your hybrid insects and evolve to the mutated creature that will rule their tiny planet.
This app borrows a basic idea from the other .io apps and mix it with elements from ants smasher games to bring you a new kind of game. You feed your anta with smaller creatures like cockroaches, beez and other. Smash them and make your aunt bigger. It is also inspired by evolution games and upgrade games. Smash insects, wasps, beez or other hybrids and discover new species. Download and use this evolve game, it's fun! Enjoy the evolv simulator of their tiny aunt world!
We added a brand new breeding system. Play the evolution game and collect tasty candy canes to breed your ant who is waiting back in the anthill. You can breed and mutate the ants into New species! You can find the candy canes by roaming around the blue Planet.
Beating the boss will get you another 15 candy canes. Find 5 or more sand drawings on the blue planet to get more. Use these candies to breed your aunt back in the anthill!
π The level will change every time you restart.
π Bigger ladybugs will not spawn until level 2. Use this time to learn the world around you.
π Weaker enemies which are on screen will change their colour and try to run away. Squish them beneath you and feed your character to become the ultimate bugs smasher!
π Stay close to the the flowers (or blue water if you have already bought the swim upgrade) while bigger enemies like ladybugs, roaches, wasps and others are near to your aunt. Don't let them squish you!
π Pause to check if your points are enough to buy an upgrade and evolve your ant.
π You get 1000 points every 4 levels, use it to evolve your antsz.
π Find 5 sand drawings on the blue planet surface and win 2000 points + 5 candy canes to breed Anty back in the anthill.
π You won't find sand drawings if your level is less than 2.
π 100% Free simulator app.
π Differences between .io and this app:
Bigger roaches or other species of enemies are faster than you. You can't eject mass to run away like you do in other .io apps. To lose a ladybug try to hide under flowers, create cobwebs, fly, leave poisonous liquid behind, enter the blue Walter or use your camouflage ability. While they are touching the liquid, instead of ejecting mass, they will get smaller and more vulnerable. To squash the tasty bugs you must follow them and squish the! When the are weaker, they are also slower. Pause to mutate your weak ant to hybrid mutant insects smasher. When you evolve your character, it is morphing into new species. Keep evolving to become the strongest bug of this simulation of their planet. Download the simulator and follow their evolution!
This is a single player, addicting game. No internet needed. To win you must defeat the boss and there is only one way to do this. Help your character with its evolution and upgrade its abilities. Mutate your hybrid character and watch it morphing into a new kind. When you'll be strong enough, go for the smash. While a boss collides with your poisonous liquid loses mass. If its mass is smaller than yours, the boss will change its colour and try to run away. Follow it and feed your hybrid ant with its tasty juice before it leaves their tiny planet. Some of the creatures you will encounter are: ladybugs, roaches and other less known creatures like wasps. it is anxiolytic and satisfying. Follow and squish the bugs to feed your character with it and end the round. You are the strongest mutant creature in this simulator of their world, enjoy this satisfying feeling! This app is an addicting, offline game that has some similarities with .io and insects smasher apps.
Buat pepijat semut semut anda apabila mereka lebih kecil untuk meningkatkan jisimnya, sama seperti dalam aplikasi .io, tetapi dalam hal ini anda boleh bermain di luar talian. Cuba untuk mengelakkan makhluk yang lebih besar dengan bersembunyi di bawah bunga atau menggunakan kemampuan anda untuk melarikan diri dan bertahan hidup di simulator semut ini. Squash bos yang enak untuk mengakhiri pusingan. Ikuti kursus permainan evolusi, menaik taraf serangga hibrid anda dan berevolusi kepada makhluk bermutu yang akan memerintah planet kecil mereka.
Aplikasi ini meminjam idea asas dari aplikasi lain .io dan mencampurkannya dengan unsur-unsur dari permainan semut hantu semut untuk membawa anda jenis permainan yang baru. Anda makan anta anda dengan makhluk kecil seperti lipas, beez dan lain-lain. Menghancurkan mereka dan buat makcik lebih besar. Ia juga diilhamkan oleh permainan evolusi dan meningkatkan permainan. Smash serangga, tawon, beez atau kacukan lain dan cari spesies baru. Muat turun dan gunakan permainan ini berevolusi, menyeronokkan! Nikmati simulator evolv dunia bibi kecil mereka!
Kami menambah sistem pembiakan baru. Main permainan evolusi dan kumpul tongkat gula-gula lazat untuk membiakkan semut anda yang sedang menunggu di anthill. Anda boleh membiak dan bermutasi semut ke dalam spesies Baru! Anda boleh mencari tongkat gula-gula dengan menjelajah di sekitar Planet biru.
Menewaskan bos akan membawa anda 15 tongkat gula-gula lain. Cari 5 atau lebih lukisan pasir di planet biru untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak lagi. Gunakan gula-gula ini untuk membiak makcik anda kembali di semut!
Β π Mata:
π Tahap akan berubah setiap kali anda memulakan semula.
π Ladybug yang lebih besar tidak akan bertelur sehingga level 2. Gunakan kali ini untuk mempelajari dunia di sekeliling anda.
π Kemusnahan musuh yang berada di skrin akan berubah warna dan cuba melarikan diri. Squish mereka di bawah anda dan memberi makan watak anda untuk menjadi bug utama smasher!
π Tetap dekat dengan bunga-bunga (atau air biru jika anda telah membeli naik berenang) manakala musuh-musuh yang lebih besar seperti ladybugs, kecoak, tawon dan lain-lain berhampiran dengan ibu saudara anda. Jangan biarkan mereka melumpuhkan awak!
π Jeda untuk memeriksa sama ada mata anda sudah cukup untuk membeli peningkatan dan mengembangkan semut anda.
π Anda mendapat 1000 mata setiap 4 peringkat, menggunakannya untuk mengembangkan antsz anda.
π Cari 5 lukisan pasir di permukaan planet biru dan memenangi 2000 mata + 5 tongkat gula-gula untuk membiak Anty kembali di semut.
π Anda tidak akan menemui lukisan pasir jika tahap anda kurang daripada 2.
π 100% apl simulator percuma.
π Perbezaan antara .io dan aplikasi ini:
Pengacau yang lebih besar atau spesies musuh yang lain lebih cepat daripada anda. Anda tidak boleh mengeluarkan jisim untuk lari seperti yang anda lakukan dalam aplikasi lain .io. Untuk kehilangan kumbang cuba bersembunyi di bawah bunga, membuat jaring labah-labah, terbang, meninggalkan cecair beracun di belakang, masukkan Walter biru atau gunakan kemampuan kamuflase anda. Walaupun mereka menyentuh cecair, bukannya melepaskan jisim, mereka akan menjadi lebih kecil dan lebih terdedah. Untuk squash bug lazat, anda mesti mengikuti mereka dan squish the! Apabila semakin lemah, mereka juga lebih perlahan. Jeda untuk bermutasi semut lemah anda kepada penghalang serangga mutan hibrida. Apabila anda berkembang watak anda, ia menjadi morphing kepada spesies baru. Terus berkembang untuk menjadi pepijat terkuat dari simulasi planet ini. Muat turun simulator dan ikuti evolusi mereka!
Ini adalah pemain tunggal, permainan adiktif. Tiada internet yang diperlukan. Untuk menang, anda mesti mengalahkan bos dan hanya ada satu cara untuk melakukan ini. Bantu watak anda dengan evolusi dan meningkatkan kebolehannya. Mutasi watak hibrid anda dan nontonnya semula dengan morphing. Apabila anda akan cukup kuat, pergi untuk menghancurkannya. Walaupun bos bertembung dengan cecair beracun anda kehilangan jisim. Jika jisimnya lebih kecil daripada anda, bos akan menukar warna dan cuba melarikan diri. Ikutilah dan sediakan semut hibrid anda dengan jus yang enak sebelum ia meninggalkan planet kecil mereka. Beberapa makhluk yang akan anda hadapi adalah: ladybugs, kecoak dan makhluk lain yang kurang dikenali seperti tawon. ia adalah anxiolytic dan memuaskan. Ikuti dan squish pepijat untuk memberi makan watak anda dengan itu dan menamatkan pusingan. Anda adalah makhluk mutant terkuat dalam simulator dunia ini, nikmati perasaan yang memuaskan ini! Aplikasi ini adalah permainan adiktif, luar talian yang mempunyai beberapa persamaan dengan aplikasi smsher .io dan serangga.
Make your ant squash bugs when they are smaller to increase its mass, just like in an .io app, but in this you can play offline. Try to avoid bigger creatures by hiding under flowers or use your abilities to run away and survive on this ant simulator. Squash the tasty boss to end the round. Follow the evolve game course, upgrade your hybrid insects and evolve to the mutated creature that will rule their tiny planet.
This app borrows a basic idea from the other .io apps and mix it with elements from ants smasher games to bring you a new kind of game. You feed your anta with smaller creatures like cockroaches, beez and other. Smash them and make your aunt bigger. It is also inspired by evolution games and upgrade games. Smash insects, wasps, beez or other hybrids and discover new species. Download and use this evolve game, it's fun! Enjoy the evolv simulator of their tiny aunt world!
We added a brand new breeding system. Play the evolution game and collect tasty candy canes to breed your ant who is waiting back in the anthill. You can breed and mutate the ants into New species! You can find the candy canes by roaming around the blue Planet.
Beating the boss will get you another 15 candy canes. Find 5 or more sand drawings on the blue planet to get more. Use these candies to breed your aunt back in the anthill!
π The level will change every time you restart.
π Bigger ladybugs will not spawn until level 2. Use this time to learn the world around you.
π Weaker enemies which are on screen will change their colour and try to run away. Squish them beneath you and feed your character to become the ultimate bugs smasher!
π Stay close to the the flowers (or blue water if you have already bought the swim upgrade) while bigger enemies like ladybugs, roaches, wasps and others are near to your aunt. Don't let them squish you!
π Pause to check if your points are enough to buy an upgrade and evolve your ant.
π You get 1000 points every 4 levels, use it to evolve your antsz.
π Find 5 sand drawings on the blue planet surface and win 2000 points + 5 candy canes to breed Anty back in the anthill.
π You won't find sand drawings if your level is less than 2.
π 100% Free simulator app.
π Differences between .io and this app:
Bigger roaches or other species of enemies are faster than you. You can't eject mass to run away like you do in other .io apps. To lose a ladybug try to hide under flowers, create cobwebs, fly, leave poisonous liquid behind, enter the blue Walter or use your camouflage ability. While they are touching the liquid, instead of ejecting mass, they will get smaller and more vulnerable. To squash the tasty bugs you must follow them and squish the! When the are weaker, they are also slower. Pause to mutate your weak ant to hybrid mutant insects smasher. When you evolve your character, it is morphing into new species. Keep evolving to become the strongest bug of this simulation of their planet. Download the simulator and follow their evolution!
This is a single player, addicting game. No internet needed. To win you must defeat the boss and there is only one way to do this. Help your character with its evolution and upgrade its abilities. Mutate your hybrid character and watch it morphing into a new kind. When you'll be strong enough, go for the smash. While a boss collides with your poisonous liquid loses mass. If its mass is smaller than yours, the boss will change its colour and try to run away. Follow it and feed your hybrid ant with its tasty juice before it leaves their tiny planet. Some of the creatures you will encounter are: ladybugs, roaches and other less known creatures like wasps. it is anxiolytic and satisfying. Follow and squish the bugs to feed your character with it and end the round. You are the strongest mutant creature in this simulator of their world, enjoy this satisfying feeling! This app is an addicting, offline game that has some similarities with .io and insects smasher apps.